Soul Therapy School® is committed to providing you with the most powerful, honest, compassionate and loving approach to understanding who you are, why you are the way you are and what stops you.

We gift you with how to alter your behaviours, beliefs and perceptions that keep you stuck in a loophole of repeating conditioned patterns which have been passed on via your parents, society, religion, culture, government and school.

Milla Andersson has been professionally trained through her own self-discovery of past conditioning and patterns. She has been awakened to who she is, in order to serve you in her highest and fullest integrity.

Milla presents you with a platform of understanding exactly how you got to where you are and equips you with the knowledge and wisdom to get you to where your soul desires to be. Each week you will uncover with her, key qualities that open you up to an authentic awakening, release old patterns and become aware of what has been sabotaging your desires to create a healthy life. 

This is not life coaching, this is Soul Therapy; an evolutionary conscious expansion on how to be living fully human in your body, mind, spirit and emotions — guided by your soul wisdom.

Wholeness, happiness and feeling grounded in your body are part of the rich experiences that your soul desires you to feel, be and do. She’s craving for you to live your life to her fullest potential.

You are not here to suffer and be in pain, yet that is the daily experience of most individuals. There is another avenue to pursue that offers you the opportunity to experience an abundance of new emotions and sensations such as; joy, happiness, freedom, inspiration and creativity. Knowing with honesty and clarity; who you are, what you are here to do and what you desire to be in the world. You came to this planet to experience the joy of living your purpose and being fully self-expressed.

Soul Therapy School® has an intelligently designed pathway to deliver powerful results to live your life deeply nourished by your soul wisdom. We support you in discovering your truth by expressing your authentic self, unconditionally.

We guarantee results when you show up ready to transform anything that stands in your way from being fully self expressed and being loved authentically. 

We have crafted four powerful ways for you to benefit from working one-on-one with Milla. Please go into your heart, take a nice deep relaxing breath, ask yourself which one of these possibilities speak to your current and future desires of how you want to be in the world.


The Awakening Sessions bring you to an awareness of where you have created limitations based on past conditioning. This awakening is life-changing and will impact any current situations that have been holding you back from experiencing your truth, choices, and life direction of what is best for you.

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3 Month Soul Therapist Heart Immersion

Our Heart Immersion 3 month program is dedicated to women who desire to communicate their truth from an authentic place of personal compassion and deep understanding of who they are.

During your 3 month Heart Immersion, you will come to understand yourself better than you ever have, knowing what decisions are in perfect alignment for you to move forward in life courageously while loving yourself tenderly and fiercely.

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Your Life Path Journey is a deep exploration of discovering who you are, why are you here and what life path is the most beneficial and rewarding for you. You will come to understand how your life path influences how you feel about your body and your thoughts.

You will discover how your emotions can be the inspiration of creating abundance, while showing you how your spirit can lead you into your greatest journey in life. These influences will heal your relationships with your family, friends and lovers, as well as create a healthy future of expressing your truth. This will be done in a powerful way that exemplifies your authentic self, enabling you to carry out the mission that you came here to complete.

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9 Month Soul Therapist Soul Expression

Your Soul Expression 9 month program provides the nourishment to uncover aspects of your true self and go deep into your soul expression. This program leads you to a life altering experience of knowing compassion as a strength, using self-love as a launching pad for greatness, speaking your truth for self and others, and understanding how your core soul expression shows up in the world. You will come into the Soul Expression program knowing you want to shift your life in a powerful way, not yet knowing how, but feeling the call.

We will provide the how — guaranteed. As you are supported throughout your nine months of recreating a new you, the how will reveal itself. This is the perfect program for you, if you are desiring to live your life expressing who you truly are and need the support to reach your highest potential in all aspects of your life.

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