~ Remember Who You Are A Journey of the Cosmos ~

Thursday, March 20

You are a galactic being. You know this deep within you. You have been reading or dreaming of other star beings, races that live with Earth in this galaxy. You know without a doubt that there are multitudes of other species living beyond this world.

Your emotional body is not fully developed, embodied nor integrated. This stops you from committing to one singular thing, your cosmic purpose. Your mind gets in the way of your true self.

You get stuck in the illusion of 3D reality and easily react to what others think or say about you. It’s time for this to stop. You are MUCH more than this and now is the time to open up to the majestic being that you are. Awakening to your galactic heritage, the star lineage that speaks most dear to your heart here on Earth is a beacon of light for you.

We are in a cosmic cycle that is about to change the course of how humans exist on Earth, your galactic lineage is asking to awaken, de-code the light that sits dormant inside of your DNA, instill your genetic makeup and inspire others to light the way.

Your dreams speak to you about other lives, other ways of living not just here on Earth but on different planets. Your galactic DNA is seeking a way to express themselves yet not having an avenue to do so. It’s difficult when you feel so alone here on the planet, its a challenge to be human.

It is time to remove ALL fear from your biology and to express the codes of light that are inside of you, a frequency that celebrates your galactic heritage
Her perspective on Earth’s evolution gathers individuals who have forgotten where they have come from and why they are on Earth at this time.

You have been waiting to return home to your star lineage. To expand and reconnect with your galactic nature while living on Earth. That time is now.

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